This image was made while I was experimenting with Photoshop’s Polar Coordinates filter. This filter distorts the image in a circular fashion. I then duplicated the image and mirrored half of it back on itself. The starting image here was a picture of two Rose Crown flowers.
I’ve been wondering how to describe images like this one, the Canyon Spirits, and the Kaleidoscopes. Lately, I’ve been thinking of them as “Emergent” images. They aren’t necessarily created from some particular vision, they seem to emerge from the creative process. However, the particular combination of starting image, the details of the processing, and the selection process that decides what works and what doesn’t all combine to produce something that is clearly reflective of a unique vision. In that sense, images such as these are like those produced by the wet darkroom technique of solarization or Polaroid SX70 manipulations and transfers.