Archive for 2011

2011 Favorites

Friday, December 30th, 2011

Each year, I look forward to selecting and sharing my favorite images of the past 12 months. It allows me to reflect on how grateful I am to have the opportunity to use my photography to connect with the world around me and with those who view my images. It also gives me an opportunity to look back and see what I have accomplished, as well as set some goals for the coming year. As I began this year I knew that I wanted to explore techniques for creating images that I and, I hope, others respond to on a spiritual level. That has led to photographing new subjects, experimenting with in-camera techniques for capturing images, and playing with different techniques for transforming images in Photoshop. In some cases, I’ve re-visited older images to process them in new and creative ways. I’m looking forward to continuing in this direction during the coming year, as well as returning to the natural history subjects that I have loved for so many years.

I have added a gallery of 18 of my favorite images from 2011 – click here to view them. Many of them have been the subject of blog posts and you can read more about them in the blog entries. Happy New Year. May your life be filled with beautiful images.

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Merry Christmas

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

I am truly grateful to everyone who has taken the time to view my images over the past year. I want to wish all of you a happy holiday season and a joyous and peaceful New Year.

This picture of the Denver City and County Building was taken on Christmas Eve, 2010.

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Christmas Cactus

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Our Christmas Cactus (which has always been more of a Thanksgiving Cactus) is blooming this week. It’s a much-appreciated splash of color in the midst of recent gray skies and several inches of snow. The day this image was made was heavily overcast and the light coming through our patio door was perfect – much like a giant softbox.

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