This post continues our tradition of posting some of our favorite images from the previous year with 24 of our favorites from 2016. Last year we revisited some of our favorite spots such as the Denver Botanic Gardens, Hawaii, Crested Butte, and Ouray. We also enjoyed photographing in some new locations such as Page, AZ and Portland, OR. I also continued to explore new subject matter in the form of urban landscapes. Click here to see the 2016 Favorites.
2016 was also a time for exploring new ways of processing my images. Theresa Airey shared a technique for processing flowers using Topaz Glow. The flowers in this year’s favorites were processed using variations on this technique. I also used Topaz Glow on some Pasque Flower seedheads with amazing results as shown below.
While the seedheads were way cool in their own right, things got really interesting when I decided to try making some kaleidoscapes by sampling the seedheads.
I’ve included three of the new kaleidoscapes in this year’s favorites along with the seedheads used to create them. I have also edited the Kaleidoscapes gallery, adding the new kaleidoscapes and retiring some of the older images. Click here to see the Kaleidoscape gallery.